Monday, March 7, 2016

3.Culture as a response to the rise of authoritarianism

3.Culture as a response to the rise of authoritarianism

The world is now split in two: those who have a third culture and those who don't, at about a 40:60 ratio.

"Third culture" describes those individuals who have a personal culture made up of the positive aspects of several cultures.

This happens when you have or gave yourself the chance to live in more than one culture and were able to extract the new positive aspects of each culture and create your own stained-glass cultural masterpiece.

It has been demonstrated that the social and creative abilities exhibited by 3.culture individuals are manifold... More recently, it has been argued that they
- determine if you are an authoritarianism addict or not (the trait that determines the rise of Trump, Pegida, etc etc etc)1,
- determine if you welcome diversity (e.g. in the arts2, in education, at work, at home, between generations, gender, sexe, etc etc etc) or if you existentially cling  to what you know, and
- prevent several reactionary attitudes of recent times, including neo-facism!1

The need for these third culture abilities is becoming more important because globalization (diversity) has entered its asymptotic growth phase thanks to the access to internet and wide spread use of social media.

This new awareness does not bring only "new" information, but information which was not available in the past (e.g. demonstrated abuse by the police, environmental disaster, social movements, corruption) as well as increased transparency about the "how are things done", as oppose to "what is being done".  Additionally, the flow of people moving or fleeing from one country to another has increased significantly. Consequently, change has become prevalent and universal making globalization a simple fact of life.

Unfortunately, half of the world is not prepared for this challenge and fails to see it as an opportunity. As a consequence the world is confronted with a rise in the number of authoritarianism addicts for whom the situation feels as if their world is threatened, and the only solution they see is despotism, which they interpret as the need for a strong hand. Unfortunately, historically this path which is perceived as "value preservation", if you lack a third culture, is a justification for violence and coercion, and leads to the worst self-made sufferings mankind has experienced.

Therefore, we propose that we ought to our species, to give the "mono-culture" individuals the right to access those 3.culture abilities without which their existential fears/violence can only grow, leading us to more Pegidatrumpfaniasism (and its consequences), but with which "mono-culture individuals" could free themselves from the non-thinking moratorium of their existential fear of change and diversity. (Legacy Earth)

1 Analysis of 2012-2016 research on authoritariamism. Matthew MacWilliams, 2016. Diss. U.M. & Hetherington and Weiler, 2016 Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics.

2 Demonstrated need for violence to maintain one own environment stable: the classic concert example published by Rainer Balcerowiak, 3. März 2016
Deutsche Grammophon/Bernhard Musil.

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