Friday, June 15, 2018

The choice between nationalism and diversity, a choice toward making it as a species or....not

Dictatorship (Turkey Russia, China,, etc.) are good at managing uniformity while democracies (Europe, NAFTA, Japan Australia, etc.) are good at managing diversity. Unfortunately, the unbridled capitalism of the last 20 years is unsustainable for mankind and the environment and worldwide discontent is growing. But the actual path forward is one backward: return to oligarchy and dictatorship, including nationalism.
Life history is a development from a survival focused on the individual to  a survival focused on the many. Bee colonies for example, although evolutionary speaking an extraordinary achievement in terms of evolution, fall short in many aspects, not the least because of its low value for the individual., which at the end spells  extinction for many hives. Without entering further into the value of creativity and value (which is an individual characteristics before it can be summed for a society), in spite of the fact that managing uniformity has demonstrated its evolutionary and social disadvantages when compared to the management of diversity, we are tempted to go back to dictatorship when confronted with the damage done by asocial capitalism. As a note asocial capitalism is in every dictatorship, just well hidden.
The point is that for Europe and other democracies now to go back to dictatorship and nationalism (uniformity) is to go away from the only advantage won over the years, the only advantage we have over dictatorship, and the only tool to manage a sustainable just, thriving society. The existing dictatorships have a much longer experience and are at better at it than any democracy can ever be if they try to go back. It should be clear that in a global setting there is nothing for democracies to get from such a backward movement.   Additionally, democracies have a great base to further develop managing diversity in a more human way. Evolutionary speaking, it is clear that managing diversity is the path,  if we are to make it as a species.  Just as a reminder, dictatorship (being ruled by a few) was a natural first step of our early socialization (whatever the rule, i.e. tribal or religious leaders), but now societies around the word are beyond this: communism, tribalism, Patriarchalism, and value-less capitalism are imploding.
More than ever, we need to have the courage to move forward (managing diversity) instead of the “known” backward  (dictatorship/nationalism). Tools like Swarmship are being used with enormous success where they are developed and used. They ask for a value-based system, as oppose to a power/richness based-system and the few profiting from the present force/violence system are not really willing to let go.  The point is that even for them there is no future. Nevertheless, Swarmship has a gentle force (true strength , since violence is only the illusion of strength) through which we progressively  as a society (as  a whole ) can move toward a more humane social state. This will allow for the use of the talent/education/experience/dedication/courage/creativity of the group as oppose to the power of the few. 
What is needed for this to occur more rapidly as earth and conflicts have that forward timelessness? Each and every one of us needs to move from our inner fear of change and diversity to the capacity to look and engage with diversity (without fear nor violence). Without these abilities, which are part of global citizen abilities, it is not possible for an individual the engage diversity authentically. Contrary to math and languages we have not been trained to be good at these but the training format is known for about 30 years as it has been developed by a few development aid institutions who wanted their development workers to work at eye to eye level with the partners in the country where they were sent  in order to create the beginning of a level playing field (which is also so dearly needed in the trade area).
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